Chemical Peels & Microdermabrasion

Please watch the video above and read the "Frequently Asked Questions" on chemical peels and microdermabrasion 
These services deliver optimum results when done in a series. ​​The pricing below is for a one time treatment.  Please see "Package Rates" for series pricing.
For a more dramatic and lasting skincare treatment, I provide customized peel formulations based on your skin type and concerns, which, when paired with the right home care products, reduce fine lines, breakouts, and dark spots and even out skin texture and tone.  IMPORTANT - Must stop usage of all AHA, Retin-A and Retinol products 5 days pre & post treatment. 

Resurfacing Peel  $100-120

Depending on the strength of peel used, visable flaking or peeling of the skin could occur for approx.7 days post treatment. 

                Brightening Peel $85                            

A 10-15 minute application of this gel formula to the skin enables the gentle fruit acids to digest dead skin cells, resulting in brighter, smoother more radiant skin. A relaxing scalp massage will also be performed. 

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive, comfortable procedure that is safe for most skin types. A diamond head crystal wand is used to "sand away" the outer layers of dead skin revealing fresh, new healthy skin. Ideal before any big event.  
Your skin will feel smooth, soft, hydrated and clean!

Microdermabrasion Only  $100

Microdermabrasion + Brightening Peel  $130 
This treatment is deeper and more aggressive in treating skin conditions. Your skin is likely to feel dry and sensitive for a 3-5 days post treatment, then by the 2nd week should look brighter, smoother and firmer.